The minutes from when one wakes up until the curtains are pulled back to see what the weather looks like are some of the most tensionous every day. Today we were in luck - the sky was completely blue. Not one single cloud could be spotted.
So we started of with a
clock-wise circuit
along the coast of Kangaroo Island (clock-wise such that Linda and the camera were facing the coast ;-). What a spectacular scenery this island has! The coastline was very rough with steep cliffs and in-land green hills in various nuances.
We continued east along the coast of South Australia passing the green hills of Fleuirieu Peninsula. In Goolwa we refuelled and had lunch (left-over pizza from the previous day). At the aerodrome we were told to head straight to the shore if we wanted to spot some whales which we of course did and finally got to see some of those magnificent animals. A group of four southern right whales were splashing in the water close
to shore, which must have been just to please all the tourists in Goolwa on the last day of the long weekend. East of Goolwa we flew along Coorong National Park, a narrow 145 km long lagoon following the coast. At Warrnambool (impossible to remember the spelling!!!) we stopped for the night. Jason, an English guy who was looking after Warrnambool Beach backpackers while the owner was on holiday, was kind to pick us up at the aerodrome even though it was situated far away from the town.